When time is of
the essence
and no words come to you
Sit back, close your eyes
and …
There is simply no rhyme or reason.
solecism (sälʹɘ sizʹɘm) n. 1) a violation of the
conventional usage, grammar, etc., of a language, as in ungrammatical use of
words (Ex.: “We done it” for “We did it”); 2) a violation of good manners, breach of etiquette; 3) a mistake or impropriety. [WW #127]

OK, I’m finished. I promise.
Word Challenge: solecism.
Good manners seem to have fallen into disrepair in nearly every aspect
of our lives—not just in grammar. Has your writing and perhaps even your
demeanor, succumbed to “dumbing down”? Think about it as you fit solecism
into your week of proper writings.
Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)