A Whispered Wish is of no Wish at All
How many times in a day do you think
or say something prefaced with, “I wish …” Yes, we all do it, and sometimes
we’re fortunate that all our wishes don’t come true.
Fervent, silly, wistful, or vile, those wishes
expressed with this week’s word are the epitome of “If wishes were fishes … “
VELLEITY (vɘ lēʹ tē) n. – 1) the weakest kind of desire
or volition; 2) a mere wish that does not lead to the slightest action. [WW #235]
Motivation manifestos are filled
with the opposite of velleity. Yet, there may be a real reason
behind our vaguest utterances. Without giving velleity voice to contemplate, how are we to know what true passions

No wish said today with velleity, is
too small or weak, if we mull it over and give it voice. For what we wish
today, may become a goal and accomplishment of
Word Challenge: VELLEITY. Dream big. Wish bigger … as you slip velleity into your week of not-so-weak writings.
Learning knows no prejudices or boundaries, and it isn’t fattening!
Expanding your mind is a no-cost, simple joy. Do you feel that way too? What’s
your inspiration? Share your creative genius and Wordplay Wednesday comments below.
Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
[LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by
trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of
three) in her Blast from Your Past series about pioneering R&R Radio DJs. True behind-the-mic tales
make GREAT Holiday Gifts available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years
1954-1959; and Book
2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic
Note: Dictionary
definitions are quoted from Webster’s New World College Dictionary.
Endnote: FYI – All links in the PFP site are personally
visited, verified, and vetted. Most are linked to commonly accessed sites of
reputable note. However, as with everything cyber-security, use at your own