tip: If contemplating a major move, I would not
recommend relocating through the Holidays and into the first of a New Year –
what a mess! So everything has been
belated since the middle of December.
on track, it’s time to resume a New Year of cute, cantankerous, clever and
crazy Wordplay Wednesday words. Onward!
would say this year’s lineup of political contenders for the 2016 election of
United States President is a small group
of persons joined in a secret, often political intrigue ... aka WW#44:
CABAL (kɘ bälʹ) – n.: 1) small group of persons joined in a secret, often political
intrigue; junta; 2) intrigues of such a group; plot | vi. caballing to join in a cabal; plot. [A little history trivia: popularized
in England from initials of the ministers of Charles II].
you thought I was going to get into a political opinion debate. Nah. Though cabal about fits the scenario, doesn’t
me, do you often feel you’re an outsider looking in, as the insiders create
drama and push their favorite candidate forward?
think about our voting rights – and just how little control we actually have
over the cabals who govern our
lives. Obviously, there are many more online sources to explore, than those
below. But this is a start, and you have a right – nay, an obligation – to know
Electoral College – what does it do?
you’re aware that although we individually cast our ballots (after exhaustive
research into each candidate, right?!),
we do NOT formally elect the president and vice president of our illustrious
nation. We should all have learned this in school, but retention is a whole
different animal, so …

Electoral Representatives – who the h*ll are they?
our government site tells us, “Electors are often chosen to recognize service
and dedication to their political party. They may be State-elected officials,
party leaders, or persons who have a personal or political affiliation with the
Presidential candidate.”
Wow – that
sounds like more caballing and
palm-greasing – basically, there is no real discernment that qualifies someone
to carry out our declaration requiring them to vote according to our majority
leads us to ask, what happens if the electoral representatives don’t want to
listen to us at all … “Although
no elector is required by federal law to honor
a pledge, there have only been very few occasions when an elector voted contrary to a pledge.”
other words, though it’s rarely done – and who would disagree that we’re in
rare times – the majority of us as individuals can vote our little hearts out
for one presidential candidate, but our caballing
State electoral representatives have autonomy to vote however they see fit. It’s
certainly not beyond the realm of possibility.
Faithless Elector (aka our Good Faith Defector) – just
the word “faithless” should tell you something about the term. Yep, this is
applied to the rogue electoral rep who doesn’t agree with the majority in his /
her state and casts their vote for whomever they see fit “in our best
interests.” Supposedly, rogue votes have never affected a presidential election
outcome. Uh-huh.
like me, you’ve read all the propaganda, tried – and failed – to understand the
convoluted system by which we choose a (hopefully) dynamic leader, perhaps it’s
time WE make the types of major changes promised eight years ago.
it’s time to strip the veil of confusion from our government system, which
serves only to hide its inadequacies and corruption. Through our collective
actions we should demand a system that is not only simplified for transparency
but streamlined for efficiency that all can comprehend.
all may not be highly educated lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and career
politicians; but every one of us knows: right
from wrong … how we want to be
treated by our government … and what
constitutes a fair opportunity to better our lives on a daily basis.
the way – this system is all we have for now – so if you don’t vote, you won’t
have any right to bitch over the next four years. VOTE!!
that you’ve explored the Electoral
College and its procedures – is it time to abolish this election cabal and make the US presidency (and
vice presidency) a popular vote process? Do you have other suggestions? Just
askin’ …
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