Give Your 2018 a Mystic Boost!

THEURGY (theʹɘr jē) n. – 1) an occurrence or accomplishments
or a sequence of these, esp. when remarkable or extraordinary, viewed as
effected by supernatural or divine agency; 2) a set of acts or incantations
taken to be capable of introducing such occurrences or accomplishments. [WW #145]
In other words, your New Year’s resolutions could
come from the helping hand of a higher power … or a ghost! Well, don’t you
pray, as you write them out, that you—and your “divine agency”—can make them
Whether you meditate, create rituals, believe in Angels, or your theurgy manifests through the
mystery of fate, believe in yourself.
Take your resolutions and goals to a higher
level in a theurgy of hope and energy. Trust
your instincts and never lose sight of your goal(s). Make it real! Happy
New Year.
Word Challenge: THEURGY. Set your New Year of
life-altering events into motion, as you fit theurgy into your week of ethereal writings.
Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
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