I’ve Been Workin’ on
the Railroad … ♪

This week’s word took me back to my childhood and
the even older Americana
songs my parents used to sing as we cruised along on weekend road trips.
Not that we’re going to learn about railroads, but you’ll note its sound is reminiscent
of those ribbons of
tracks that have criss-crossed our country since around 1827 …
RAILLERY (rāʹlɘr ē) n. – 1) light, good-natured ridicule or satire, banter; 2) a teasing act or remark. [WW #264]

A smile, perhaps, because raillery has nothing
to do with the railroads … and music, as I urge you to take a break from life
and find songs that offer raillery in their lyrics to keep life light. Need
some inspiration? YouTube
has a million of ‘em … The Purple
People Eater is waiting for you!
As for raillery, the word, surely you can find room for tongue-in-cheek writing in
everything from Twitter posts to novels, blog posts to emails. Enjoy.
Word Challenge: RAILLERY. Think playfully sardonic and silly, as you fit raillery into your week of lighthearted writings.
Learning knows no prejudices or boundaries, and it isn’t fattening!
Expanding your mind is a no-cost, simple joy. Do you feel that way too? What’s
your inspiration? Share your creative genius and Wordplay Wednesday comments below.
Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
[LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by
trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books in
her Blast from Your Past series (of
three) about pioneering R&R Radio DJs. True behind-the-mic tales make GREAT
Holiday and anytime Gifts available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years
1954-1959; and Book
2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic
*Note: 1) Dictionary
definitions are quoted from Webster’s New World College Dictionary. Yes,
we sometimes present them out of “official” context—but that’s half the fun!
Think of it as “creative context.” 2) Neither I (LinDee Rochelle) nor Penchant
for Penning are responsible for how you use information found here, that may
result in legal action.
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