A Number
by any other name is still a Word!
I chose Six
Weeks of Weird Halloween Words,
because it’s half the value of the “Twelve Days of Christmas” (if that).
– I feel a premonition coming on – I have a Sixth Sense ya know … I predict … sometime
between now and Halloween … you’ll
visit 6 websites, enjoy 6 beverages, and gab for a half hour on
6 phone calls! Oh nooooooo, that’s 666!! You know what that means …

Yes, our Wordplay Wednesday entry this week is a
number, but ooooooh, it spawns so many wickedly delicious words. As
the dictionary says ...
666 is associated with the Devil – ghosts and goblins, witches too, fear the “666” when it moans, “Booooooo!”
only one
6 in our tribute to Halloween is called upon, thus it is
harmless. (Seriously. Ignore that spirit behind the curtain.)
The number six has a long and storied history.
There are many significant, and yes, some sinister, references that we’re all
familiar with: six degrees of separation (Kevin, are you reading, this? Call me …);
Cardinal Directions (north, south,
east, west, up and down); six feet under (Halloween coffin anyone?).
to be fair to the 666 legend, it ain’t
all bad! *SIX 666 notables:
The Roman Numeral equivalent
contains just one of each symbol valued at less than a thousand, in decreasing
order! DCLXVI
Carbon-12, the root of
all life on Earth, contains six protons, six neutrons and six
~ Do you gamble? Add
the numbers on a roulette wheel – yup – they total 666.
(Well, that could be construed as
not so lucky …)
And Nero, poor ancient fellow, is held by many to be an antichrist. Was he? “It
makes the famous claim that the coded name of the Antichrist is 666, which can mean Nero (Neron) Caesar
in Hebrew.”
Ol’ King Solomon reportedly received tributes of gold amounting to 666 “talents” (weight measure equaling
39,960 pounds) in one short year – Ã la Mr. Trump.
China seems to think sixes are
awesome! The trilogy of sixes is said
to bring good fortune.
of course, “666” is commonly known
from The New Testament’s Book of Revelation, as the “number of the beast.” However, beliefs
don’t always agree, as apparently Greek text translations indicate a variant
number is 616. And if you’re into numerology,
add 6-6-6 to power down to the
number 9. A sweet, benign number! (Or
is it … Number 9, number 9 …)
So, this week’s Weird
Halloween Word that is a number, is what we make of it. It’s just a number …
and like many aspects that guide us through life … it’s our beliefs that count.
Personally, I prefer my
sixes in a six-pack. “Chug-a-lug,
chug-a-lug …
Make you want to holler hi-de-ho…”
Make you want to holler hi-de-ho…”
I’m relying on Wiki
here, so sure hope they’re right!
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