Since nearly everything this week is a retro
look at the year that was, let’s take a backward glance at life when it
actually revolved around family—not just once a year, but year-round. Sit back
and relax with us … remember when you said, let’s all go sit on the …
CHESTERFIELD (chesʹtɘr fēld’) n. – 1) a single-breasted topcoat,
usually with a fly front and a velvet collar; 2) a kind of sofa, heavily stuffed and with upright ends (any sofa)
[WW #92]
Growing up in rural California, life was lived
on a chesterfield.
Now, Wiki says it’s a “Canadian English term for a sofa.” But our little gold
rush town was pure Old West and our family is Irish, so …

And for many of us, a topcoat was/is a
topcoat. In 1960s middle-class America, only those studying fashion knew the difference
between a pea coat and a chesterfield (tribute to the Earl of Chesterfield).
Not so common today, it fits the mood of looking back. Think I’ll grab my chesterfield and go sit on the chesterfield
with a steamin’ hot toddy, and reminisce about the year that was. Cheers!

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